This is an HCTV production created for a class project. HCTV is a video production club at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School. In my comm tech class we created bumper videos for the beginning or end shot of a video. To create this ten second video I used Final Cut Pro. It is a program used in the big industries. We have learned a lot about this program and it will help us out for our career if we do anything involving film editing etc. There were certain requirements for this particular video. I used our school colours so it connected with our school better. I also used the classic HCTV logo to make it have a more personal look. In this video I used catchy music that sticks in your head so viewers remember this particular video. There is sound effects added in and also some smoke to spice it up!
This year at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School we are celebrating our 25th anniversary, Twenty five years of excellence. The topic of this particular video is greatest achievements of Holy Cross. This video contains many blue screen shots of past teachers, principals, and students. The background shots go from current footage all the way to previous years. Each background shot fits with what the person is saying in their clip. The lighting and focus of the background shots was changed and a black glow was put around each shot to make it have an older look, also to make sure the focus was on the person speaking. With each talking head the blue screen had to be modified and customized to each talking head. Every talking head had to be resized and the lighting corrected to ensure each clip was almost the same. There are sound clips at the beginning and in the middle to add to the video and bring some excitement into the 25th anniversary DVD.
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