Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Artist Introduction

My name is Rikki-Renee and I am a grade 12 student at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School. I have taken comm tech since grade 11. I have taken yearbook for one year and also a variety of other tech related courses. Since grade 11 I have been apart of the SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) program at Holy Cross. It is a program geared towards students looking to pursue a career in journalism, media or photography. Ever since I was young I have loved photography so I am looking to do something with the skills that I have obtained in high school. In grade 11 I won the Genesis award for Photography. I am very passionate about the projects I create and the work I do. “You're only as good as your worst piece”. This is a quote that means a lot to me because over the years I have found it to be very true. My main career is going to be a sales representative for a real estate company. I am great with people and the idea of being a real estate agent has been in my mind for quite some time now. There are multiple reasons why I feel this field suits me best. Although I realize the business can get fairly tough sometimes I am still prepared to go into it will an open mind, willing to learn new things and help people in the best way possible. As a person I feel I am very mature for my age, the cross between photography and real estate will be a great combination for me.

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