Sunday, 19 June 2011

New York City & Hollywood

New York City 2011

This past year I went to New York City with the Holy Cross com tech group. It was a blast, this is a photo of me in front of the Friends building. On our trip we learned many things there is to know about movies and how things are done. I love the show Friends so for me to learn about it and see the set was an amazing opportunity for me. I learned that the coffee shop isn’t actually attached onto this building and neither is the balcony that they always go out on in the show! There is a random coffee shop below the apartment building they used for the show. Last year I went on a trip to Hollywood and saw the Central Perk coffee shop. It’s not a real coffee shop but it was set out to be for the show. I found it neat that the show is shot in New York City and also in Hollywood!

Hollywood 2010

Last year I went on the Hollywood trip with the com tech group. It taught me a lot about different kinds of movies and how they are made. We went on many tours around the city and also to Beverly Hills. There was so much to see and so much to learn and in the short week we were there I learned so much. We went on private tours to Universal Studios and Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers was fun because of all the different sets we got to see and things we got to learn about the industry. Universal Studio tour was really great because they actually took you on a live tour and played the clip while it was happening all around you. We came across a few stars on our stay and got to chat and have our picture taken with them. I defiantly think that going on the trip to Hollywood was well worth it because it taught me many things I need to know about the media industry and how to handle it.

Friday, 17 June 2011



This is an HCTV production created for a class project. HCTV is a video production club at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School. In my comm tech class we created bumper videos for the beginning or end shot of a video. To create this ten second video I used Final Cut Pro. It is a program used in the big industries. We have learned a lot about this program and it will help us out for our career if we do anything involving film editing etc. There were certain requirements for this particular video. I used our school colours so it connected with our school better. I also used the classic HCTV logo to make it have a more personal look. In this video I used catchy music that sticks in your head so viewers remember this particular video. There is sound effects added in and also some smoke to spice it up!


This year at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School we are celebrating our 25th anniversary, Twenty five years of excellence. The topic of this particular video is greatest achievements of Holy Cross. This video contains many blue screen shots of past teachers, principals, and students. The background shots go from current footage all the way to previous years. Each background shot fits with what the person is saying in their clip. The lighting and focus of the background shots was changed and a black glow was put around each shot to make it have an older look, also to make sure the focus was on the person speaking. With each talking head the blue screen had to be modified and customized to each talking head. Every talking head had to be resized and the lighting corrected to ensure each clip was almost the same. There are sound clips at the beginning and in the middle to add to the video and bring some excitement into the 25th anniversary DVD.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Graphic Design


I have created this design with Adobe Illustrator. My design relates to me 100 percent. We were asked to create a design that tells a story about ourselves. The “RB” represents my initials and my favourite colour is purple and this is why my letters are purple. I find fancy lettering to be much nicer then classic printing so my initials are fancy. For my career I would like to become a real estate agent. On the side from being a real estate agent I would like to incorporate photography on the side so this is why in my initials are the two careers I would like to pursue. Another thing I loving doing on my spare time is being out in the sun. Being out in the sun on a nice hot day always puts me in a good mood! I also love nature, I like being out camping or just out walking on a nice day! There are flowers incorporated into my nature design because of the beauty I see in every flower. When I am taking photos some of the best ones are flowers. They are colourful and most smell amazing! My design also represents summer. My favourite seasons are summer and fall they are both very beautiful and brighten each day.


For our 25th anniversary at Holy Cross we were asked to create a DVD case cover. This is my final copy of the case cover. I decided to keep it classy but still fun. It's classy with all the white and incorporating the 25th anniversary logo and a picture of the school. Then it is also fun because of the collage of pictures in the HC lettering. The pictures are a variety of shots going back to when the school was fist opened up until the current date. In the ‘H’ are all the photos of current events and students we have at Holy Cross and in the ‘C’ are all the old teachers and students from Holy Cross. I found it fun to have the title curve around the HC logo to get the effect of it looking like one design. There were standard requirements to this case cover. I managed to meet all of them when creating my case cover. Simple things like having the full name of the school, and having the blurb at the bottom on the back, also having the logo at least once on your design were easy for me to fit in and still have it look great!



This is my Rembrandt headshot of Melissa Baumann. The shot was taken with studio lighting to create a Rembrandt look. The photo had to have a creative feel; it couldn’t just be a straight headshot. For that reason I tilted the camera. In the editing stage I cranked up the contrast to ensure her facial features and lighting were more defined. I brightened her eyes to make them pop and removed most blemishes to give the photo a fresher feel. After that I made the background black as this was one of the requirements of the headshot. To complete the photo I made sure the lighting was correct and added a little more light and contrast. Then my headshot was complete.


This is one of my architectural photos. It has many elements that were required for the photo. I think what makes it an amazing shot is the creative work of art and graffiti and different textures in the photo. The framing work using the bricks is an excellent part of the photo and also the old rustic look of the bright red bricks. This is a great image to pump up the contrast on because the art work very colourful. This photo also has some mystery behind it, and the door brings different levels to the photo so there isn’t just a flat plain wall. There is pattern and detail brought into this shot as well as perspective with the lines and brick. I met the exact requirements for this photo.

Artist Introduction

My name is Rikki-Renee and I am a grade 12 student at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School. I have taken comm tech since grade 11. I have taken yearbook for one year and also a variety of other tech related courses. Since grade 11 I have been apart of the SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) program at Holy Cross. It is a program geared towards students looking to pursue a career in journalism, media or photography. Ever since I was young I have loved photography so I am looking to do something with the skills that I have obtained in high school. In grade 11 I won the Genesis award for Photography. I am very passionate about the projects I create and the work I do. “You're only as good as your worst piece”. This is a quote that means a lot to me because over the years I have found it to be very true. My main career is going to be a sales representative for a real estate company. I am great with people and the idea of being a real estate agent has been in my mind for quite some time now. There are multiple reasons why I feel this field suits me best. Although I realize the business can get fairly tough sometimes I am still prepared to go into it will an open mind, willing to learn new things and help people in the best way possible. As a person I feel I am very mature for my age, the cross between photography and real estate will be a great combination for me.